Sunday, January 24, 2010

War on Wall St.

At first glance, it seems that they finally got it right:

I mean, it's not the BEST cartoon I've seen, but it certainly kicks the crap out of those terrible Haiti cartoons. Anyway, it does seems like an honest portrayal of what is going on, sort of, and it even includes some original thought, (at least Obama isn't flying a plane on Wall Street). But really, two things stick out about this particular cartoon, the first being that Obama is firing torpedos at Wall Street in a desert of what is probably Iraq. Yes-we know the war in Iraq is about money and oil and yes-it does take place in a desert, but shouldn't a President who is trying to end the war be dipicted as someone a little more calm and NOT flying a Bomber in the desert?

The second issue I have with this isn't that the Fat-Cat-Wall-Street-Exec is with Osama Bin Laden. The problem I have is that Osama Bin Laden is levitating and sitting in a meditation position. Really? I figure that in Eastern Asian they might know the different between Buddhism and Islam. Isn't this guy known for being a radical Islamist? WTF.

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